Justification for Conducting the Process - The Social Vector of the Earth.
Many people on Earth, capable of observing what is happening in their surrounding social world, understand that all is not well. This applies not only to the specific social system in which they reside but to any of today’s social systems—from dictatorships and totalitarian regimes to all forms of democracy, albeit to varying degrees.
There are numerous scientific political, economic, social, cultural, demographic, civilizational, and other theories that explain this, many of which are very accurate. Despite their differences, these theories share something in common, which is not immediately apparent to the untrained mind: they all depend on people. This means that with certain attention, preparation, and coordination, people are capable of changing these factors or at least influencing them.
This is why theories suggesting ways to influence these destabilizing factors arise.
However, there are factors of instability that people cannot influence at all and of which many are unaware. Conventional scientists, who develop these theories, often refuse to acknowledge these factors, but this does not eliminate the problem.
What are we talking about? We are talking about cosmic and spiritual factors, whose influence on the social world of Earth, as well as on each individual, does not cease for a single moment.
