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The Human Through the Prism of Intar Spiritual Knowledge

The Human Through the Prism of Intar Spiritual Knowledge

Human Being

A human being is a wondrous entity, where the physical, spiritual, and soulful intertwine.

This multifaceted nature is evident in the soul's ability to experience different lives, change gender through reincarnations, and accumulate diverse energies.

Each person has a responsibility not only to their genetic descendants but also to their soulful and spiritual heirs, who continue their mission in the world.

In this section, we will delve into understanding all these aspects of human nature.


A human is the unity of Body, Soul, and Spirit.

The human soul is eternal – it merely changes its bodies during successive incarnations.

A human exists simultaneously in many dimensions.

The physical world consists of vessels filled with energies.

Sensitiveness – is the penetration into the hidden spiritual essence.

A person's sensitivity is the ability to perceive energies finer than those of the physical level.

People with "open" souls are sensitive, but often do not realize it.

A human is multifaceted – a unity of material and spiritual; individual and social; masculine and feminine; egoism and altruism; thinking, feeling, and will; the elements of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth; and dozens of subtle bodies-fields...

Masculine and Feminine in a Human

In a single soulful individuality, there is a combination of masculine and feminine energies.

In each incarnation, the human soul tries to balance the gender energies accumulated in previous incarnations.

In some incarnations, the soul is in a male body to gather masculine energies, and in others, in a female body to gather feminine energies.

Masculine and feminine energies of the soul play a key role in the spiritual-cosmic balance.

The differences between men and women lead to dynamics and movement in evolution.

Masculine energies are more egoistic – on an archetypal level, a man gives the seed and receives from a woman a new human – a continuation of the lineage; in other words, he gives little but receives much.

Feminine energies are more altruistic – on an archetypal level, a woman accepts the man's seed, creates a new human, and subsequently cares for it; in other words, she takes little but gives much.

Human Consciousness

Human consciousness is the integration of thinking, feeling, and will.

  • Essence of thinking – the breadth of intellectual horizon and thinking abilities.

  • Essence of feeling – the level of emotional development and the ability to sense oneself and others as spiritual entities.

  • Essence of will – the level of physical development and the ability to act and realize intentions.

When striving to perfect your higher consciousness, do not neglect any of its three components.

Your higher consciousness operates at the level of the most lagging component.

Soulful and Spiritual Descendants

A person builds the future not only for genetic descendants but also for spiritual and soulful descendants, that is, for oneself – for one's individuality, though this is often not realized.

  • Soulful descendants – those who will possess the same soul in its advanced state in the future.

  • Spiritual descendants – those who, in new physical conditions, will carry out the same life mission as the person living now.

Caring for spiritual and soulful descendants is most effectively done through individual spiritual development.

The pinnacle of an individual's spiritual development is feeling the impulse for social construction.

Until a person feels the need to participate in social transformations, they have not yet completed the stage of individual development.

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